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Signs you may need pest control: Termites


Termites are arguable the biggest threat to Queensland homes. There are over 20 species of termites that are capable of chewing through solid wood. Their favourite food source? Your home. Keep reading to learn the signs of an infestation before it gets too out of hand.

Mud Tubes

Termites like dark spaces, so they tend to build a certain type of shelter when they have to come to the surface. They resemble long tubes and can be hard to spot. Typically, they're made from moist soil and/or termite droppings. These tubes are the most common indication of infestation. If you see mud tubes in your house it is time to call your pest control service - it is too late to prevent. You can try and prevent the termites transportation by removing and avoiding any build of loose soil surrounding your home.

Power Shortages

Termites can be attracted to warmth given off be electrical wiring. If short circuiting is a common issue in your home, and you see earth deposits around your electrical fittings (like the tubes) - termites could be the cause.

Do not attempt to fix electrical issues on your own. It is life threatening to play with electricity - please contact a professional.

Damage to Floors, Walls and Ceilings

As termites make a meal out of the wood in your walls, they are wrecking havoc on the structural integrity of your home. If you notice cracked plaster, blister, or sagging, it could be a sign of termite infestation. You can also test this theory by knocking on the timer. If it sounds hollow - termites are likely.

Flying Insects

If you notice swarms of white winged insects swarming your home it could be another sign of termites. These could be alates or flying termites. They like to nest in rotting wood and their presence is a strong indicator that your property has become a nesting ground. Be sure to clear any wood or rotting trees from around your home to prevent this.

If you have at least on of these signs, give us a call on 0418 157 926

You can find the source and inspiration for this blog here.

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